AUGUST 2018: Travel Stories!

4 thoughts on “AUGUST 2018: Travel Stories!

  1. Is there any way to shut off the number of Doodlewashposts I get in a day? I’m getting 13 or more a day and my other blogs are getting lost. If I can’t limit the number I get from Doodlewash I’m going to have to unsubscribe and I don’t want to do that. I’ve looked under my profile and settings and the other things but can’t find a way to limit what I’m getting. I think I’m getting everything from anyone that posts and it’s too much.

    1. hmmm… ugh… the dreaded “Site-Wide Activity” from the community is showing up again in the WordPress Reader. I have to check in with WordPress to get them to fix it. Never sure why or when that will happen. Sorry about that, but thanks so much for letting me know!! I’ll check into getting it fixed!! 🙂

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